About Me

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Au clair de la lune is about the past lives of clothes, or where everything old is new again. I make useful and beautiful items for adults, children, and homes out of recycled fabric.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Spanglish Miembro de la Semana

Check out this week's Spanglish member of the week: tumbleweedstudios

This very talented and busy mom is a professional digital artist who specializes in the giclée making for artists and galleries. She is also a crafter and an explorer who is elaborating on her jewelry designs.

In her words:

"I love to try new ways to make art, I always tumble around things that inspire me and make meaningful art out of them . So you'll be seeing more of me in the next days, months and hopefully many years to come."


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your sweet post about me, your support is very well appreciated!
