About Me

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Au clair de la lune is about the past lives of clothes, or where everything old is new again. I make useful and beautiful items for adults, children, and homes out of recycled fabric.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spanglish Miembro de la Semana

Check out this week's Spanglish Miembro of the Week!

Createev1 writes:

I am a photographer in North Florida. My favorite form of relaxation is to capture nature at it's best. I love to photograph flowers, birds, ( all kinds of animals in general) and beautiful landscapes.

Living in Florida myself, I know that it is a beautiful place to capture nature! Enjoy this wonderful artist's lovely photographs!




To see more of her work just click here

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh so pretty! Jealous of all the beauty you Floridans get to capture! :)
